Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #0695 on image #2404751

Background Pony #0695
Yeah that's how I wanted to put it. I meant it more in the sense that she would she stay home to take care of the kids and to cook and clean for them, so that Rarity would have time to do her buisness. AJ though would still work on the fields, sell her own apple products and maybe with Rarity's encouragement, expand her apple farm's buisness to the rest of Equestria. Rarity would probably be useful in giving tips for buisness expansion and modernization which Sweet Apple Acres could use.
I guess I like the idea of a stay at home tomboy mother who is uncouth as ever and a more traditionally feminine buisnesswoman.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #0695