Viewing last 25 versions of comment by British-Heavy-Metal-Dude on image #2508542


Everyone remembers their first time octavia. The adrenaline is addictive. The pain is also addictive after a while.
I remember (and i must stress) accidently bonking heads with someone in a pit. Head to head collision. BONK! down we both go. I can still hear the sound as he hit heads. i also remember just falling to the ground stunned. Pure loss of strength. apparently the same happened to the other guy. We both got dragged out pretty quickly when our brothers in mosh realised there were men down.

It was cool though. Pure accident. Me and the other guy (once we remembered the first letters of our names) shook hands said our apologies and "yeah man that sucked haha".
Bro hug and a beer later and im back at it!
No reason given
Edited by British-Heavy-Metal-Dude