Viewing last 25 versions of comment by UserAccount on image #2585718

Duck - User has been known to often resemble a waterfowl
Duck - User has been known to often resemble a waterfowl
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Thread Starter - Started a thread with over 100 pages
Wallet After Summer Sale -

#1 Spikeabuse Fan
"[@Background Pony #2D18":](/images/2585718#comment_9580855
Untrue. In order to be evil, you need to be old enough to make informed decisions. We as a society have decided that, depending on the decision, this age can range from 16-21. Which one should it be before you can be considered evil? I feel pretty good about having it at 18, like most things. ButA a little child absolutely cannot be evil in any way, shape or form.
No reason given
Edited by UserAccount