Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #AA11 on image #2585718

Background Pony #AA11
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@Background Pony #1A80":](/images/2585718#comment_9580353
Those are different people. I’ve _*always_* maintained that the fans who were against redemption were the worst part of the fanbase. It’s like being a Veggietales fan and begging the writers to stop talking about religion. Like, you’re missing the point if you really fail to see that redemption is a fundamental theme of the show. Stop generalizing us as if we’re all the same people.


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LOL! What kind of rule would that be? No, the rules say nothing like that.

Its perfectly ok to reform characters like say flim and flam, but u shouldn't reform characters that are attempting freaking world domination this shows reformations made no sense
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #AA11