Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #7EB7 on image #2857801

Background Pony #7EB7
according to scale in last panel (RDashie leaning on the mountain side) there should be one huge crater after Twilight's lab. Huge... like about 2km in diameter.
It should be weird having friends that just grow into mountain size. You could just lean on her muzzle and hide in her fur.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #7EB7
Background Pony #7EB7
according to scale in last panel (Rashie leaning on the mountain side) there should be one huge crater after Twilight's lab. Huge... like about 2km in diameter.
It should be weird having friends that just grow into mountain size. You could just lean on her muzzle and hide in her fur.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #7EB7