Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #CC81 on image #2920927

Background Pony #CC81
[@Background Pony \#4014](/images/2920927#comment_10195277)
I also don't like perfect characters and Twilight has her flaws too, but the whole show, her character and her cutie mark were based on her and her friends being the chosen ones of the Elements to inherit and continue the kingdom of harmony that Celestia and Luna had created.
Destiny has always had an important meaning in the show.

And now the G5 is saying that everything that happened was useless and that Twilight was just a random pony that ended up there by chance and destined to fail.
It doesn't feel like it's the right way to end the story and start building new ones.

[@Background Pony \#4014](/images/2920927#comment_10195274)
I think you are right that it i's better that she doesn't come back, as it has been a long time without anyone doing anything to fix this mess I doubt she is still alive, but if she will return and receive some important role in G5, I fear that she would transform in a Celestia 2.0 and I don't think that would be a good thing for her.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #CC81