Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #403A on image #3030555

Background Pony #403A
[@Background Pony \#6EFA](/images/3030555#comment_10386060)
lol, i forgot that sprout was also friends with hitch and sunny. why make them childhood friends in the first place if it didn't affect the story arc or character development in any way. they didn't even tried to add some conversation between these three after the ivents of the movie. they're not strangers or neighbors, regardless of whether he'll change or not, that should've been shown. ithat's just so unrealistic. he's an antagonist just to be one, to make a conflict in the movie, then they threw it away. this is called lazy writing. i bet Opaline's here for the same reason.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #403A