Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #83DA on image #3037735

Background Pony #83DA
This is slowly getting worse...
'Don't make me kill you'
Next she will say ' please stop defending yourself so I can kill you'. T_T

It was never a smart story but at this point it's just going downhill with each page.
Mixing comedy with tragedy rarely works and here we see the worst kind of mix of it.

I would like it if it swing one way or the other and stayed there.
By the numbers of votes and comments under each page here and on other platforms it's not even popular.

Piano is a good artist but their stories are just to mediocre for this kind of genre.

||And as i know this is going to get reported as its not the 'oh how wonderful this is' comment that apparently is the only kind allowed here - this is valid criticism with statement of what's wrong with it and how they can improve it! Im not being rude - im being critical over content i find lacking. I dont have to sugar-coat it.||
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #83DA
Background Pony #83DA
This is slowly getting dumbworse...
'Don't make me kill you'
Next she will say ' please stop defending yourself so I can kill you'. T_T

It was never a smart story but at this point it's just going downhill with each page.
Mixing comedy with tragedy rarely works and here we see the worst kind of mix of it.

I would like it if it swing one way or the other and stayed there.
By the numbers of votes and comments under each page here and on other platforms it's not even popular.

Piano is a good artist but their stories are just to mediocre for this kind of genre.

||And as i know this is going to get reported as its not the 'oh how wonderful this is' comment that apparently is the only kind allowed here - this is valid criticism with statement of what's wrong with it and how they can improve it! Im not being rude - im being critical over content i find lacking. I dont have to sugar-coat it.||
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #83DA