Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Twilights-Secret on image #960842

Thread Starter - DiaperPony General [NSFW]
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Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
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Comfy Pones
Apologies, this was so long ago I don't remember much about it, but I'm sure it wasn't commissioned, so I have no idea why that tag is there, I'll remove it. Maybe I left it in because the original was commissioned?

Also, in description I mentioned a link to the original in source, but it seems all of that was redacted for some reason. The only reason I can imagine I would've redacted it is if you asked me to, but given you linked it in the description, I don't think you did.

Very odd. Apologies. At the very least you deserve credit for the original, even if this is vectorized so technically its own piece, you certainly deserve credit and a link for the original this is based off of.


Edit: OH, I think the one who commissioned you to make it requested the source be redacted. Okay, it all makes sense now. Oh boy. Looks like you two have something I'm getting in the middle of...
No reason given
Edited by Twilights-Secret