Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Beau Skunky on image #2421265

Beau Skunky
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"[@Lord You Know Who":](/images/2421265#comment_9304607
Yeah, it does seem OOC, and as the comic progresses, it kinda makes Zecora out to be even more petty, and like the one who's the jerk. (And her friend issues kinda contradict how friendly she was when she first met the Mane 6. If she was that anti-social, why would she open up so easily?)

And yeah, bringing up AJ's dead Mom is a bit uncalled for as honestly Zecora's "friend/old home" issues don't involve a dead relative, and quite as aren't as comparable to AJ having to grow up without parents Mom.

No reason given
Edited by Beau Skunky