Poll on expanding Rule #5


This place should keep it to pony art work and pure fan creations.
Toys are merchandise and anyone can buy them. They don’t need to be here, anyone can browse their local toy store. Hand made fan creations are an exception since they’re made by the fans and are unique.
Cum on toys, as I understand it, is purely for pornographic purposes and not unique to this fandom. I don’t see why it needs to be here among actual art work. There are other websites that cater to this category.
I don’t really care for seeing humans on the board either but it’s in a gray area for me because fans can be really creative with cosplay.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I left a lengthy response in the poll, but I’ll post a paraphrased version.
Body paints + pony clothing pics should only be removed as part of a crackdown on barely pony related. It’s unfair to remove a niche portion of “barely pony related” because it’s barely pony related, when the other barely pony related stuff is allowed to exist because it still is related to ponies, even barely. “cum on toy” is more related to ponies than this stuff, so it should have a stronger case for staying on the site.
“cum on toy” is indeed hated by a large majority of users, but so is a bunch of other tags that are hidden by default. The real problem with “cum on toy”, is all you need to do to experience it is unhide the “explicit” tag. While I have no doubts in my mind a large amount of the “cum on toy” content was made with the intent to troll the people who can see explicit images, I also do not doubt that there are users that enjoy that content, and they should not be disadvantaged by the same people who will continuously cry when they see cum on toy, but who are too lazy to hide the tag after seeing it.
To deal with the argument of people not correctly adding tags, treat them the same way as people who don’t post tags correctly are treated. If these suggestions are followed, you end up with a minority that aren’t disadvantaged with having to look elsewhere to find images that satisfy their fetish, you end up with a large userbase who from that point foward have no excuse for seeing that content (as in they either searched for it, or un-hid it), and a large amount of trolls will either stop creating content for it, or will have to deal with the same response that other troll uploaders get.
p.s:If it will help when the final decision is made, I hereby give permission for the response I’ve submitted to the poll to be posted publically, as long as it’s credited to my username. I’ve used the same email as the one I sign into here with to identify it.

This isn’t meant as an attack on you or the “cum on toy” fans but..
The “cum on toys” pictures are barely related to anything here at all as it is is just cum on generic off-the-shelf toys that happen to be MLP merchandise. It doesn’t really belong here.
People here share art. There is no artistic merit or talent related to the act of cumming on toys. What kind of artistic expression is someone demonstrating by splashing man juice onto a toy? My interpretation is that the act mainly serves as a sexual aid. The focus should be on art and not pure porn.
And where is the line if “cum on toy” is fully sanctioned? Will this website start allowing photos of mud on toys? Melted toys from the oven? Toys dropped from high buildings? Other bodily fluids on toys?

“obligatory pony” images - these are the ones that must not be allowed.
This basically means posting something non pony related, then copypasting pony art on it. “Cum on pony” and such belong here because the doll in question could be anything. Stuff like “woman in pony bikini” should be evaluated on the basis whether their purpose is to showcase the pony related content - ie. the piece of clothing - or if the pony content is only an excuse to put something that is entirely not pony into focus.
For clarification purposes, are you arguing for or against “cum on toy”?
Background Pony #4632
“People here share art.”
The About-page never mentions art specifically. It mentions images. Talking about “art” is hard since everyone has their own definition. I would avoid assuming everyone is here to consume art per your definition.
While I don’t care much for human-pics or “cum on toy”-pics myself (in fact, I have never even seen one of the latter here), I defend their right to remain here. What worries me about their potential removal is that it could easily turn into a slippery slope, where more and more “irrelevant” or “objectionable” tags are eventually blocked.
Therefore, rather than asking about these two specific cases (human and cum on toy) I would rather see this poll asking what should be considered pony-related and what shouldn’t. This could set a guideline for the future which would avoid all these special-case rules that could easily become too overreaching in the future.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I see this site more as a hub of everything my little pony, if you want anything related to my little pony, Derpibooru’s become one of the best places to start. It’s not even exclusive to friendship is magic anymore, earlier generations seem welcome here too. To deal with your point about art, a quick look at “meta” shows a lot of posts that have garnered a lot of discussion, while having nothing at all to do with art.
For example, I can see an image by The Smiling Pony regarding feedback for the site. I can also see several screenshots of tags for images, with a discussion similar to the one we’re having right now inside of it too. It even has a suggestion about adding a pony to the image, to make it pony related, a cheap practice that should not count. It should be here if it’s important, and if there are people who like it, that should make it important to keep. I’m no fan of ticket, and I tried to use ticket as an example of something that the majority of people disliked. However, when checking the scores of the ticket pictures, I found that most of them have a pretty good score, or I just got lucky on my sample collection. Either way, a good lesson to take from that is that there is usually a surprising amount of people who like something that you don’t like. While I agree that “cum on toy” isn’t popular, I myself take no pleasure from seeing those pictures, I’ve had a look through some of the comments when Skoon posted some of earliest pictures of the genre. There are people who actually like this stuff, and they aren’t causing problems, why fuck them over?
In an attempt to highlight the point I was trying to make earlier, I found another tag that has had the response I was trying to look for. “fluffy pony grimdark”. That one has already had the response I’ve been looking for. It’s been hidden by default now, it’s still going strong, and I haven’t seen any “meta” posts whining about all the fluffy pony grimdark pictures that they keep seeing despite it being hidden. Out of sight, out of mind for those who don’t wish to see it, and people who either like or don’t care about it can still see it. There’s no issue there, why stop it with another tag that has become so rage inducing that it has repeated the cycle of fluffy pony grimdark (There was a vote on what to do with it I believe, can’t remember if it was a ponibooru or derpibooru thing).
As for your point about where we draw the line, why draw a line? If enough people want pictures of mlp dolls thrown from ever increasing heights (like off a high building), why stop them? People will see it, make a judgement on it, and then move on. If enough people from the community like the idea and run with it, let em have their fun. If not, it joins the rest of the garbage pile in “forced meme” or other things that lead to it being forgotten. I know I don’t particularly care about many of the fads that keep popping up around here (e.g the gravestone with celestia, rainbow dash’s two words etc), and I also don’t care for many of the non-pony fads that appear everywhere else (Harlem shake, caramelldansen, etc). I go through this site with all of the tags unhidden when possible. If I see something I don’t like, I move on. If I see enough of it despite moving on, I eventually block it. To date, I believe the only tag I ever hid was bronyetiquette, and that was due to it being a completely unfunny joke that someone pushed for far too long, and even that tag was unhidden at some point. If “cum on toy” was hidden by default, it would go the same way as fluffy pony grimdark, but perhaps with the people doing it for the sake of trolling stopping.
I don’t see any advantage of criminalising that tag when there’s a solution that makes a compromise that does not detract from either side. There’s even a precedent for this sort of tag with fluffy pony grimdark, and that didn’t sprout into any sort of drama fest due to it being hidden. If you want to see it, you can unhide the tag, and when the settings page is properly updated, you are even given the exact tag you need to use to unhide its contents. If you don’t want to see it, don’t unhide it, and don’t search for it. And if it’s hidden by default, then most of the people who get angry at seeing the images won’t see it anymore. The response to the pictures won’t be walls of anger, which means the trolls doing it for the reaction will stop, leaving the people who actually like it to create the content for it.
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Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
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Tag horse
Just popping back in to note that the background pony who made the accusation that my opinion matters more than everyone else on this website could use a taste of his own medicine.
Also, TSP is correct, I have nothing to do with the creation or analysis of the poll, nor do I have any ultimate say in site policy. As I said in my first comment in here, I’m only expressing my own personal opinion. I don’t have any vested interest in the outcome of this decision; I don’t care if the results prove me right or wrong, I just want a result.

Get rid of them both, They belong in their own spaces, here they’re just thrown into a massive cluster fuck until they get buried after they fall of the front page.

does anyone truly enjoy cum on toy images?  
if so, keep them on the site. let them have their fun.  
if not, ban that shit.
senseless exibiotinism (as explained by Smiling) ban that stuff please.
cosplay porn a la pixel-vixens is ok, as long as they do not fuck it up. the RD pics of that are borderline exibitionism now that i think about it… although they do have context value.
people asking for derpiboru to be an “art-only site” should go to the corner and think hard about their lifes.  
not-so kiding aside, i enjoy the memes and random pics. i vote they stay.
Background Pony #F10D
Yes, I do enjoy cum on toy images. I know people are just going to say I’m a troll and ignore me, but I honestly do.
Background Pony #F10D
Well, it appeals to other fetishes I have, like Bukkake and Size Difference. Of course, figurine bukkake is a separate fetish in itself.

@Background Pony  
huh… hadnt though about those 2… it also seems way easier than drawing a pic or comissioning someone.
oh well, thats a good enough reason to me….  
shit. i voted for it to be baned.
@The Smiling Pony  
can you guys PLEASE nulify my votes on the poll?  
i’ll feel like crap knowing i helped whit “cum on toy” getting baned :/

As for your point about where we draw the line, why draw a line? If enough people want pictures of mlp dolls thrown from ever increasing heights (like off a high building), why stop them? People will see it, make a judgement on it, and then move on. If enough people from the community like the idea and run with it, let em have their fun. If not, it joins the rest of the garbage pile in “forced meme” or other things that lead to it being forgotten.
It will be up to the admins to decide but I don’t feel like this website should devolve into a place that acts as everyone’s playground.
Why let a garbage pile grow when you don’t let one pile up at the start? Without boundaries, this place will end up being really messy to maintain, moderate, and navigate. Some lines should be drawn so we don’t end up having these “cum on pony” kind of debates every month.
Regarding the topic itself, I have yet to see any argument that justifies “cum on pony” as being actual artwork and not pure pornography. If it’s allowed, how long will it be before we have a “pornography” tag?
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Chaotic Neutral
Thing is people,this place has admins for a reason. If something by majority is hated,and stays hated for an exceedingly long time, why not give the community a vote to get rid of it or not. That way as admins,they know how to improve the site for everyone’s,or the majority’s, pleasure.
This is why we live in a democracy people,majority vote rules. Even if it isn’t always to your liking. You may be one of the 3% that enjoy it,does that make it good or enjoyable for others? Not really…when you make a big scene like some of you have been,it just makes you out to be both greedy and inconsiderate of the community.
Yes I realize this sounds a bit harsh,but answer me this? Do I not speak the truth?
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