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Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40931

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40930

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40929

Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Economist -

Stormlight ArchivistšŸ“”
Probably one of my favourite games and main characters of the past few years.
My first impression when playing was referring to it as a weird combination of Touhou and Megaman ZX Advent.

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40928

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40927

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40926

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40925

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40924

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40923

Dirty Bit
Thread Starter - Hazbin Hotel Thread [Possible NSFW/Dark]
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

That's him, officer
Hereā€™s a picture of Faputa going dumpster diving

Okay, so itā€™s a garbage can, rather than a dumpster, but still.

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40922

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40921

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40920

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40919

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40918

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40917

Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Economist -

Stormlight ArchivistšŸ“”
Star Platinum Nanachi.
Nnanananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananana, Nnaa!!

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40916

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40915

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40914

Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Economist -

Stormlight ArchivistšŸ“”
@Dirty Bit
The last profile I did (Risulkaā€™s) is honestly one of my proudest works of fiction, followed by Inaraā€™s.
The Libre Office document Iā€™ve got all of this written in is now just shy of a hundred and twenty pages, and Iā€™m nowhere near close to being finished.

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40913

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40912

Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Economist -

Stormlight ArchivistšŸ“”
Decided to make another profile, this one being another kingdom with a slighter darker tone, especially toward the end.
Runescapeā€™s annual Easter Event is back, and this time Iā€™ve decided to not take apprt, after seeing the rewards for completing the activities are sub-standard, at best.
Aside from that, weā€™ve recently upgraded from copper to Fibre, and our internet speedā€™s gone from 80/20 to 900/300 Mbps
Other than that, Iā€™ve to admit that writing this one was an interesting experience, even if it turned out to be a bit longer than the others, save for maybe Kellebrirā€™s profile.
With that in mind, I hope you all have a wonderful Easter.
Koenna, likewise referred to as ā€˜Remnantā€™, is the literal remnant of a long-forgotten age, often dubbed by scholars and historians the world over as a ā€˜Golden ageā€™, wherein industry in the technological and thaumaturgic senses ran the earth entire, and Ingracia was a Realm of the mythical and the mechanical- being a near immaculate unification of both science and fantasy in near-perpetual motion.
Long ago known to by many as the ā€˜Second Heart of the Worldā€™, Koenna was once a huge, sprawling hub of activity filled with people travelling in from every corner of the planet- merchants, vendors and traders would arrive in large convoys from nearly every major town or city in other kingdoms, aspiring scholars and mages would flock almost en-masse to the many schools and libraries that Koenna was world-renowned for, and those looking to further their plenty of training, practice or experience would frequently sign up to join one of Koennaā€™s military organizations or work as a freelancer or as a guard to the carriages belonging to the aforementioned merchants.
Aside from being one of Ingraciaā€™s largest superpowers in terms of economy and military -its army, navy and air force all being some of the best on the planet, save only for that of Gal-Garth, Koennaā€™s routs leading to each of its neighbouring kingdoms were likewise second to none, with its imports and exports being some of the finest that were freely available, anywhere in the world.
Among some of its more well-known imports and items of trade were the various precious jewels, ores and metals From Kellebrir, as well as numerous trinkets, jewellery pieces, armour and armaments from the mountain-bound Kingdom, a grand Athenaeumā€™s worth of Spellbooks, tomes and other similar grimoires from Ceres, with the staves, wands, sceptres and other focal points used to help with spellcasting, the dozens of types of fruit, vegetables, meat and other produce from Bo-Leoth, as well as condiments and spices only found within its borders.
In return, Koennaā€™s main exports are largely textile-based, with many of its highest-ranked seamstresses and tailors being adept Soulweavers, that can weave with spirits to create what is known by many of them as the Soulthread, with which they can fashion items of silk, linen, cloth or similar materials that are virtually unparalleled anywhere on Ingracia, essentially weaving their Mana into each thread as it is used, and reinforcing the finished product, and greatly increasing its Mana conductivity.
Suffice to say, the clothing they make for the aspiring mages and scholars who visit or already reside in Koennaā€™s grounds are said to be impossible to break through, and are of immense benefit to their wearer, basically doubling as a near-impenetrable suit of armour, one easily comparable to anything that is forged in Kellebrir and beyond, while also having the ability to store excess or leftover Mana, to use like a sort of external battery. They can even, in a few, exceptionally rare cases, break down spells and feed their Mana directly into the wearerā€™s reserves, further strengthening them to a certain degree, based on the spell being used against them.
For the several thousand years leading to its eventful, yet incredibly sudden collapse, Koenna was by far among Ingraciaā€™s largest economic and military superpowers, with its air force, infantry, and navy second only to Gal-Garthā€™s, and were all otherwise uncontested on a global scale, until one fateful day when Ingracia unravelled, and the now colloquially named ā€˜Great Cataclysmā€™ occurred.
The origins of the great Cataclysm, also known as ā€˜the Awakening of the Worldā€™, are largely nebulous and so far unknown, although many scholars believe it was brought about by the result of an a feud or outright confrontation between two or more rivalling Gods, a few of them having allegedly sensed the gradual build-up of Ingraciaā€™s thaumic density until the accumulated tension suddenly dispersed, and the world almost fell apart just a few days later.
Within a week, Koenna was in major upheaval, largely due to it being close enough to the forefront of the initial tremors which racked throughout Ingracia, followed by a massive quantity of primal thaumic energy was released and subsequently flooded most of the surrounding vicinity almost immediately, resulting in the supposed ā€˜infectionā€™ of many of Koennaā€™s residents, local and visitor alike.
As the next few days passed, many of the nationā€™s denizens awoke to find themselves changed, both in mind and body, and seemingly their cores alike, and were quick to rush into the streets, only to soon discover that many of their neighbours, friends, families and loved ones had undergone the same changes that appeared to have befallen everyone in the kingdom.
Confusion quickly turned into panic after many of them found their abilities, spells or magic no longer functioned the same, removing the textile trade from Koenna almoost entirely, with only one or two weavers able to call upon their prior thaumaturgy to any notable degree. As the panic began to subside, regarding their transformation, and information began to quickly spread about the newly-created Arexians, with Koenna now being a land comprised almost entirely of them, many of its residents soon began reporting sightings of unidentifiable, almost nightmarish creatures roaming many of the alleyways and forests at night, as well as the open grasslands and meadows dotting the landscape.
The one trait each of these beings appeared to share was one involving a noticeably isnataible hunger, as well as senses that far exceeded any of theirs, human, Arexian or otherwise, and the constant need to satiate themselves, whether it be wild animal, livestock or otherwise.
Appearing out of seemingly nowhere, and seemingly made of the void itself, a colloquial term was coined to describe the beasts, who many quickly started believing had as many forms and variations as there were stars in the night sky. Subsequently, the term Gremir was decided upon, a word based on the proto-ingracian ā€˜Griā€™ and Emirā€™ literally meaning ā€˜Shapeless Devilsā€™ when translated into modern-day or ā€˜commonā€™ ingracian.
Within the following week, military garrisons were quickly formed throughout Koenna, with many of them undergoing Spartan-esque training in order to achieve greater understanding of their new abilities, and to fight back against the demonic menace now stood right on their doorstep. The first successful fight against the Shapeless Devils was recorded less than a month later, when one of the fire-teams assigned on removing the eldritch threat from outside the port town of Hyperion resulting in the Grimir being pushed back as far as the golden delta, some fifty-plus miles away.
News of their success spread through the kingdom, and the rest of Ingracia shortly after, like wildfire, and the sudden boost in morale could be felt all throughout the continent. Little-by-little, more of the Shapeless Devils were pushed further away from many of Koennaā€™s most vital cities, ports and landmarks, eventually being sent back all the way to the bronze Archway situated outside the northernmost border with the bleaklands.
Througout its campaign, Koenna was constantly trading information with the surrounding kingdoms involving the newfound threat, forming a tier system based on the kinds of Grimir they encountered, with the average threat level usually between one and three, with four requiring a team of at least six or more venators at any moment, and level five being virtually unheard of, even among the most well-informed soldiers, nobles or royals on Ingracia.
Filled with pride at having performed to such an extent, many of the kingdomā€™s efforts became less like raids and more like defensive patrols, ensuring the threat stayed well outside their borders, while many of the other lands on Ingracia did the same, presumably whittling down their presence on Ingracia until it seemed to disappear entirely from Koennaā€™s grounds.
Upon hearing of their supposed disappearance a week later, the King, Gunther II, called for a celebration to be held in honour of those who had taken part in the effort to ensure Koennaā€™s long-term existence, safety and well-being, as well as that of its many residents, human, Arexian or otherwise.
The aforementioned celebration lasted all the way through the night and the following evening, whereupon the nationā€™s denizens retired for the evening, returning to the now-assured safety of their homes to spend more time with their families and loved ones.
Not long after, a mysterious Red Star was spotted in the night sky, right above the royal palace in the centre of the capital. Upon further inspection, the Star itself seemed to be emanating a unique brand of thaumic energy, seemingly alike to certain aspects of the primal energy that was released during the initial tremors and disturbances.
Koennaā€™s astronomers and scholars immediately got to work, remapping the night sky and adding the star to their charts and maps, naming it based on the Proto-Ingracian words ā€˜Rukhā€™ and ā€˜Altiaā€™ meaning ā€˜Ruby lanternā€™. Many thought of the star as an omen, something to be avoided at all costs, while many in the upper echelons saw it as a victory medal and a cause for celebration, choosing to instead recognise it as a symbol of the kingdomā€™s victory over the Grimir.
When the sun rose a week alter however the entire kingdom was found to be completely derelict, with all of its denizens ahving seemingly vanished into thin-air, and their work stations, homes and everything else being left exactly as they had been, not even a full day prior.
Upon learning of Koennaā€™s seeming abandonment, the queen of its eastward neighbour ordered an exploration of its territory to be carried out immediately, demanding they be informed of anything and everything that could be found, regarding the meaning behind the nationā€™s sudden derelict state.
Weeks later, and not even a scrap of evidence was found regarding the abrupt disappearance of Koennaā€™s denizens, much less how or why, the only evidence being the same red star in the sky, which appeared to be glowing slightly brighter.
After another several years of constant explorations and expeditions, not a single person has found any form of proof or evidence behind the disappearance of the near half a billion people that called Koenna home, the only thing remaining being the aforementioned star, quietly watching over the now deathly-quiet land, sometimes being reported as having changed in place, only to suddenly move back again on the following evening.
Several thousand years have come and gone since then, and all that remains of the once grandiose kingdom is now just a series of ruins that dot the landscape, its buildings having eroded through the passage of time, and anything else of value having been taken for better use elsewhere, their former owners no longer present.
Many of the kingdomā€™s former trade routs are still largely in use by some of the hardier or more daring travellers and merchants, the once bustling streets now considered by many to be like something directly out of a silent horror film, many of them even reporting having seen vibrant flickers or wisps of strange energy or light that behave eerily similar to a living being, and seem to be on the lookout for whoever enters their domain, quietly leaving as soon as those who pass through do the same.
A noticeable amount of the merchants, travellers and the like who pass through the area have likewise reported hearing quiet mutterings, almost like incomplete sentences, with many of them allegedly sounding almost pleading before quickly diminishing and fading away, almost never to be seen or heard of again. Many have assumed this may be the last fading remnants of Koennaā€™s former residents, trying with all their remaining might to reach out as much as possible to whoever is closest, so that they might hopefully find their way home, but so far no proof has been found this is the case, or even how to perform such a feat.
A Fragment of Days Gone By~
To start with, the ā€˜Red starā€™ is a direct reference to the same Red Star in Gen-1 Bionicle, with the latterā€™s main in-universe functions and purpose being a relatively massive spoiler for the events revolving the one mentioned in the profile above.
Next, the wisps of light/energy are referencing to some of the ghosts and paranormal entities you find throughout the Metro series, both in terms of concept and appearance.
The third and final predominant reference for the profile itself, rather than any particular section, term, item, character or concept, are the Lost Cities stories I found a couple of weeks ago and immediately fell in love with, particularly the writing style.

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40911

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40910

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40909

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40908

Generals » [NSFW] Monster Musume thread » Post 40907

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